
I found myself thinking today, totally not prompted by a silly show on my morning off from work, what is life about? What makes life worth living? Is it the promotion at work? The new car?

Think back to your best memories.

University. I remember one Sunday morning. There were 6 of us in a car, driving to one of campus dining rooms for brunch. The music was blasting, it was freezing outside, but the windows were open. As a crisp, cold winter breeze made its way into the car, we sang our hearts out along to Glamourous by Fergie. In that moment of pure happiness, nothing mattered, not the homework on the desk in our rooms, not the problems we were having with the boys we were seeing, not the arguments we had with our parents. All that mattered was the moment, us singing, knowing there was a waffle at the other end of the journey.

Bar Course. Seven of us spent a weekend at the cottage. It was far too cold to spend any time outside, a chilly December breeze coming from the sea. We were all bundled up for a walk. We came upon a playground, and for a good hour it was almost like we were 5 years old. Some of us went on the swings, and the boys had a race.

We spend, or at least I know I do, a large part of our days worrying. The bills. The job. The weather. The work. The next vacation. When really we should just be enjoying the moment, happily gliding along like a duck in a pond. Swim on followers and forget your worries for the day.

About bargirl2010

Just another law student fighting to make it as a barrister...but first deciding whether to embark on the journey. View all posts by bargirl2010

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