Tag Archives: Bar

The Bar

     I imagine this is what getting cold feet on your wedding day feels like. The guests are seated, the orchestra is playing, your parents are smiling at you proudly, and at the end of the corridor there he stands waiting for you. But the Bar is not a young, muscular man waiting to be your companion for life, it is more of a sinister, old man poking and prodding you along the way. It tests your ambition, your desires, and your strength at every step. And if this is not really what you want to spend the rest of your life doing then sooner or later it will break you. But really, how are you to know that this is really what you are meant or even want to spend the rest of your life doing? Committing to the Bar is unlike any other commitment I have made in my life. Riskier, more troublesome, and less rewarding that any other relationship. Yes, relationship.

     But perhaps that is the beauty of the beast: knowing that each and every day brings with it a new challenge, a new struggle, a new lesson.  I may have accepted a place on the Bar Practice Training Course but I most definitely have not yet committed to this relationship. I have 75 days to make up my mind and take the plunge.