
I once had a conversation with a 3 year old. It went something like this:

Are you married? (she asked)
No. (I answered)
How come? (she dug further)
I don’t have a husband. (I replied, a simple answer I thought)
But…(she pondered for a second) why don’t you buy one?
(I chuckled)
If you haven’t the money, then I am sure I could lend you some.

Oh, if only. I’d like one understanding, caring, compassionate, loyal, handsome, tall man. Who can cook, cleans after himself, has a fantastic relationship with his family, a well paid job, and loves pets, specifically dogs, in all shapes and sizes. Did I mention has fantastic fashion sense, loves healthy eating and exercising? Right, enough day dreaming.

I spent a good part of my life thinking love would be easy. That it would be that one thing you could turn to when everything else was going wrong. But, often, it doesn’t work that way. Just as much work as you put into your career, your friendships, and studies, add another measure and that is how much work you need to make a relationship work.

Some of us are after the chase, we want to settle down with someone after they have satisfyingly pursued us and conquered us (I won’t name any names!). For others, it is about the relationship–the comfort of knowing someone is there at any point of the day. For now, I don’t know what it’s about for me, maybe a piece of cheese will solve the mystery…

About bargirl2010

Just another law student fighting to make it as a barrister...but first deciding whether to embark on the journey. View all posts by bargirl2010

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