I remember…

Love’s not a fairy tale

I remember when I couldn’t fall asleep because the day felt like a sweet dream, or how heartbroken I would be every time he left on a train, a plane or a bus. Because, I felt like part of me was missing. I felt incomplete, a half of a whole. I also remember how much it hurt when it all ended, but almost anyone that has been in love, will agree, it’s better to have lost and loved than to have never loved at all.

Those few moments of ecstasy were worth it, for all of the pain that came after.
I can only imagine it will be sweeter when it’s someone you know you will spend the rest of your life with. After all, they say if you have love, everything else will follow.

About bargirl2010

Just another law student fighting to make it as a barrister...but first deciding whether to embark on the journey. View all posts by bargirl2010

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